Dennis Ritchie(September 9, 1941 – October 8, 2011), an internationally renowned computer scientist who created the C programming language, has died at age 70. He was suffering from cancer and heart disease.
Ritchie is credited with creating the programming language C, one of the most widely used and influential languages today. He was also one of the creators of operating system UNIX, whose variants — most notably Linux and OS X — are also widely used today.
Ritchie went to work at Bell Labs' Computing Sciences Research Center in 1967 and was widely known as "dmr"--his Bell Labs e-mail address. As part of an AT&T restructuring in the mid-1990s, Ritchie was transferred to Lucent Technologies, where he retired in 2007 as head of System Software Research Department.
He received a Turing Award in 1983 and the US National Medal of Technology in 1998 along with Thompson for his work on C and Unix.
Programmers will perhaps best remember Ritchie for his famous “hello, world” program, which is used in many programming textbooks, even those that don’t pertain to C, as an example of a very simple computer program .